NDRRMC- National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Centre

Nassmally Moushaifah
3 min readDec 8, 2022


“The world is reaching the tipping point beyond which climate change may become irreversible. “

Global climate change is a crisis that threatens everyone, rich or poor, young or old. Infact, from rising ocean levels to the terrible heatwaves currently raging in Britain, the world is changing at a drastic rate. Locally, we have been experiencing more intense cyclones such as Batsirai to terribly heavy rainfalls causing floods or affecting the agricultural sector. Therefore, in the light of the present environmental crisis, one crucial question remains; how can the community help in reducing floods in your area?

Out of 480 identified sites in Mauritius, 56 sites are considered to be life threatening/critical and may cause serious disruption to socio-economic activities. These have to be addressed as a matter of urgency.

The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Centre (NDRRMC) aim is to increase the country’s resilience to disasters, reducing loss of life and negative impacts on economic, social, physical and environmental assets caused by natural and human-induced disasters through strategic commitment and engagement of all levels of society in understanding and managing identified threats.

But we should all agree that solely identifying the problem will not lead to any substantial and long-term changes. We need to shift our focus to finding viable solutions which will sustain in the future.

As a team leader , I am truly grateful that you trusted in my skillset and competencies and believed that I am good enough to bring a much-needed change in this field. I will surely not let anyone down and promise to serve the organisation as well as Chemin Grenier to the best of my capabilities.

As a first step, we can work together to develop and implement a simulation drill or exercise which would teach on how to do knots sandbagging in crisis situations like floods or fire breakout. Mock exercises are highly effective as we are preparing ourselves to respond to the worst that can happen. We surely cannot place bets on our people’s lives.

During my service, it is my utmost priority to get the young people involved in the programme. Being pillars of the future generation who might be most likely to be affected by the wrath of climate crisis, I strongly believe that their contribution is really necessary/essential and their fresh innovative ideas/mindsets are ones to value. It is my opinion that youngsters are not born to be portrayed as TikTok manias but they are born as a last hope to save our planet and our country.

Lastly, I believe that without joining hands and working collectively, as a strongly united team, it will be impossible to achieve our goals. So, I will make sure that no one gets left behind in this process and that every voice bringing worthwhile suggestions is heard.


